Spotlight on Wellness

As a Health Science Instructor and Advisor, Isabella shares how her wellness journey influences her daily life, from coaching soccer to prioritizing self-care. Discover her insights on maintaining energy, overcoming challenges, and setting goals for sustained well-being. Read more.

Webinar – Your Health After 40

Preparing you for continued health after 40. Topics covered include recommended medical visits, testing, vaccinations, tailored nutrition and exercise for those 40 years and older. All ages are welcome! It is never too early to plan for continued health. Taught by certified health and life coach Dr. Abby Horton.

Spotlight on Wellness

Meet Paige, a WellBAMA Ambassador, as she shares her evolution from sprinter to long-distance runner. Discover how running forged connections with the community, transformed her daily routine, and ignited a newfound sense of well-being. Read more about the factors that sparked her passion and the wellness habits that now shape her life.

Spotlight on Wellness

Madison credits her wellness journey, sparked by rescuing her dog Biscuit, for boosting her daily energy and focus. Despite PA school applications and a busy schedule, she prioritizes self-care through painting, meal prepping, and exploring new fitness activities with her furry friend, ensuring ongoing well-being and growth. Read more.

Spotlight on Wellness

Blossom Rogers, a Recovery Support Specialist, shares her inspiring journey from a 19-year battle with addiction to 20 years of sobriety. Her story is a testament to overcoming challenges, finding strength in faith, and the transformative power of self-accountability. Read more.

Spotlight on Wellness

Wisdom from one of our WellBAMA Ambassadors: “Wellness is not a one size fits all journey. Find what works for you and stick with it. If you fall along the way, get up, reassess your journey, and get going again. And don’t forget to have fun along the way!” You’ll want to read all of her story on the website.

Spotlight on Wellness

WellBAMA Ambassador Jodie opens up about her wellness journey, offering insights into her personal challenges and valuable advice for those starting on a similar path. Dive into her practical tips, emphasis on accountability, and the positive mindset that guided her to a transformed daily life, enhanced relationships, and renewed well-being. Read more.