Category: Webinar

Webinar – Supermarket Solutions for Healthy Living

Making healthy choices is not always easy when money and time are a factor. Supermarket Solutions for Healthy Living will provide tips for making a grocery store trip more efficient. Learn how to navigate the store, where to find the healthiest options, and how to read a nutrition label. This wellness webinar will empower you to make healthy choices, the easiest choices.

Webinar – Fitness Mythbusters: Exercise With Purpose

With so much information available today, it can be hard to decide what to do in the gym. In this session, we will discover the truth about exercise programming and how to avoid common pitfalls in fitness, with UREC’s Charles Burroughs.

Webinar – Stress & Relaxation Techniques

Learn specific strategies to develop and support positive coping strategies during stressful times and explore the relationship between your health and stress, with nursing faculty and health coach Abby Horton.

Webinar – Minority Health Concerns

Addresses unique Minority Health Concerns, in addition to health disparities, access to care, and inclusive health practices. Explore these issues with nursing faculty Abby Horton and guest speaker Dr. Johnny Tice.

Webinar – Tips for Participating in Outdoor Recreation in the Greater Tuscaloosa Area

Malia Duggan, Coordinator for Outdoor Recreation, offers tips and tricks to get outside during quarantine. We’ll talk about what to bring for spending time outside, Leave No Trace Ethics, and suggest parks and trails in Tuscaloosa  and the Greater Tuscaloosa Area and how you can recreate there! We’ll also include resources to help you research and plan for your own trip!